You can use Siri on any of your Apple devices to control your home. People also ask Can Siri control HomeKit? To control your HomeKit accessories remotely with Siri , you need to set up a home hub. Slowly but surely Apple is moving in. Want a smart home you can control using Siri ? Compatible with most Apple devices, it lets you . Visit BT Shop for a range of devices compatible with HomeKit.

It reads sensors such as temperature, humidity, CO motion, contact and occupancy. Your voice is then used as the control device: you can give Siri instructions . Control HomeKit -enabled FIBARO accessories with voice using Siri directly from. Apple has always kept close control over its smart home ecosystem - named HomeKit - but with the upcoming release of the Siri -enabled . The August Smart Lock . A HomeKit accessory is a product that has a special “chip” built into . What is a HomeKit accessory? Ikea has now started rolling out HomeKit support for its FYRTUR and. In order to do so, you . HomeKit makes all your home accessories available to Siri , so you can control them with your voice through all the devices mentioned above, . Apple HomeKit is lets you control your smart home devices by talking to Siri.
Create scenes or use Siri to control your heating system. With HomeKit integration you will be able to controll your IoT projects from your iOS or macOS device.