Technology - 2- Wire Smart Light Switch - Yoswit supports both with or without. To retain your existing standard Toggle switches , we can simple install the. Plus it requires an add -on hub and only works with dimmable lights. I tried to add another z-wave switch to my SmartThings network. So after wiring up the neutral wire the outdoor lights started working.

Smart light switches , though, tend to need a neutral wire hookup. The neutral wire provides power to the light switch , even when the lights are off. It is usually attached to a green screw terminal on the existing light switch. The neutral for the new light is taken from the receptacle and spliced to the new. This wiring illustrates how to add a new light fixture from an existing switch.
Rewire an Electrical Switch box with No Neutral. The existing Line cable is capped within the light fixture. Yes there are switches that do not require a neutral wire …. I would use some electrical tape to tape up a new live and neutral to thge existing live wire ,. Adding a neutral wire to a switch seems a lot of effort to save under £on . You should not connect a neutral wire to a light switch. Instea connect a ground wire to the safety ground terminal of the light switch. A neutral wire represents . How to add an extra light, connecting from an existing light switch with some minor.

Note that the neutral wires are NOT connected to the switch at all. Make an existing switch do double duty by adding another light fixture. To locate the required neutral , look for two or more white wires joined with a wire.
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